You deserve the most beautiful, intricate, ornate, and precious space for your roots to flourish – one that you will create for and is specifically designed for you.
RADICAL: Sowing Seeds of Growth
In biology, a ‘radical’ is what the first new growth to burst from a seed is called! Growth is a radical thing and that will be our focus in this package – to see if we can find a ‘radical root’ to emerge from a seed within you that is ready to take life. We’ll delve into a specific issue you are grappling with over three 1-hour sessions. This package includes:
Three 60-minute coaching sessions (via Zoom)
One 20-minute flash session (24-48 hours notice; via phone or Zoom)
Ongoing email communication and support
Practices, reflection questions, tools, videos, song, poetry, podcasts, and book recommendations.
TAPROOT: A 6-month journey to spread your roots
When a taproot goes deep into the earth, it discovers new nutrients and brings them to the surface to be utilized. Taproots are known for how they anchor themselves in the earth bringing stability and grounding. Just like a taproot, growth and change take time! Time for us to see ourselves, time to work on the change, and time to watch it blossom into who we are becoming. This is work that connects us to our own aliveness. The Taproot package includes enough sessions and ongoing support to be alongside you through this important time of growth in your life. Here’s a breakdown of what’s included:
1.5 hour intake session
30-minute Development Plan Review Session
Ten 60-minute coaching sessions (via Zoom)
Three 20-minute flash sessions (24-48 hours notice; via phone or Zoom)
A Personal Development Plan created just for you to guide our work together
Ongoing email communication and support
Practices, reflection questions, tools, videos, song, poetry, podcasts, and book recommendations tailored towards your goals and growth opportunities.
30-minute check in 6 weeks after program completion
Sliding Scale Rates
I have developed the following sliding scale pricing to support us in determining the most appropriate cost for our work together. This sliding scale is an intentional effort to make my services available to people who are across the income spectrum and an effort to distribute resources equitably. My tiers and rates are based off of the industry rates for coaches with my level of experience and takes into consideration what I need in order to make a decent living and to provide both resource redistribution and accessible services. All of our experiences regarding financial stability are different and complex. I invite you to bring the complexity of your circumstances to this conversation around resource equity.
Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability and let me know which cost rate you fall under:
Are you and your family homeowners or landowners?
Have you attended private education institutions or do you have an advanced degree?
Are your bills or credit cards on autopay?
Are you able to access and afford healthcare or health insurance for you or your family members with ease?
Do you have zero to no debt and/or do you have disposable income?
Do you have a safety net composed of “financially stable” or wealthy family and friends?
Do you have U.S. Citizenship?
Does your income only support you, and not other loved ones?
Have you or do you expect to inherit money or property?
Was race, ethnicity, or religious heritage not a barrier to your family building wealth in the past 2 generations?
Have you (or could you) have attended college and/or graduate school?
Your rate is based on your answers to the questions above and depending on which coaching package you are interested in:
Taproot: A 6-month Journey to spread your roots…
If you answered almost all no → Solidarity rate $2,000 (or lower upon request especially for QTBIPOC)
If you answered more yes than no → Full Cost rate $2,500
If you answered almost all yes → Redistribution rate $3,000
Radical: Sowing Seeds of Growth…
If you answered almost all no → Solidarity rate $650 (or lower upon request especially for QTBIPOC)
If you answered more yes than no → Full Cost rate $850
If you answered almost all yes → Redistribution rate $1,050
(Thank you to Bloom and Hatch for developing these criteria)
About Monetary Investment
I distinguish between financial hardship and financial sacrifice, and this is what you should consider as you apply at the rate that is appropriate for you. Financial Sacrifice means that you might pull from your savings, cut back on travel plans or recreational spending, access resources within your partnership or family, or save less than you typically do in order for us to work together. These are sacred sacrifices, ones that you choose to make in order to invest in yourself and this journey that we will embark upon together. Financial hardship comes into play if paying my standard rate would make it impossible for you to afford basic living expenses, such as food, utilities, and transportation to work. My solidarity rate is for you - so that your financial sacrifice doesn’t extend into financial hardship.
If you are in the fortunate position of being able to pay my standard rate with ease, I ask that you consider whether you’re willing to extend yourself and pay my redistribution rate to grant coaching access to someone with extremely limited resources.
I do not require proof or documentation; these rates are based on mutual trust and open conversation. That said, keep in mind that I can’t afford to work with everyone at accessible rates, so if you have the ability to pay my standard rates and inappropriately claim a solidarity spot, you are taking an opportunity from someone that truly needs it.
(Thank you Meera Mohan-Graham for this beautiful explanation and for your work)